2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Shepherding

La prioridad de pastorear el rebaño del Señor Download Audio La prioridad de pastorear el rebaño del Señor Vamos a estudiar la prioridad de pastorear el rebaño del Señor. Hemos visto anteriormente la prioridad de la predicación y también la prioridad de la oración. Tenemos que ser los mejores predicadores [...]

By | June 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Shepherding

2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Prayer

La prioridad de la oración Download Audio La prioridad de la oración El puritano Samuel Chadwick dice que Satanás solo le tiene pavor a la oración. Las actividades se pueden multiplicar hasta el punto en que la oración no tenga lugar, y las organizaciones crecen hasta no dejar sitio para [...]

By | June 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Prayer

2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Preaching

La prioridad de la predicación Download Audio La prioridad de la predicación Charles Spurgeon escribe: “Queremos que vuelva a haber muchos hombres como Lutero, Bunyan, Calvino, Whitefield, dispuestos a señalar sus errores y cuyos nombres inspiren terror en los oídos de nuestros enemigos. Necesitamos desesperadamente a hombres así. ¿De dónde [...]

By | June 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2009 Pastors’ Conference | Priority of Preaching

Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Headship and Submission

Journey into Marital Intimacy: Headship and Submission Download Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Four Guiding Stars

Journey into Marital Intimacy: Four Guiding Stars Download Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love II

Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love II Download Audio

By | June 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love II

Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love I

Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love I Download Audio

By | June 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2007 | Journey into Marital Intimacy: Grace of Gospel Love I

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Men of Conviction II

Men of Conviction II Download Audio Let’s begin by praying and asking for God’s blessing. Lord, we pray that You would give Your Spirit to us this afternoon, especially as we have enjoyed a very good and delicious meal, and we can indeed be sleepy at this time of [...]

By | June 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Men of Conviction II

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Men of Conviction I

Men of Conviction I Download Audio Well, it is my privilege to be here with you, and as we seek God briefly in prayer, let’s ask for His blessing upon our time together. We certainly feel our need for the help of `God. So, let’s seek Him in prayer. Lord our [...]

By | June 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Men of Conviction I

2016 Pastors’ Conference | The Great Commission

The Great Commission Download Audio Luke 24, verse 44. “Then He said to them, ‘These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must [...]

By | May 31st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | The Great Commission

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Pastors in the Midst of the Powers II

Pastors in the Midst of the Powers II Download Audio

By | May 25th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Pastors in the Midst of the Powers II

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Pastors in the Midst of the Powers I

Pastors in the Midst of the Powers I Download Audio

By | May 25th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Pastors in the Midst of the Powers I

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Shepherding of Jesus Christ our Example

Shepherding of Jesus Christ our Example Download Audio

By | May 24th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Shepherding of Jesus Christ our Example

2015 Family Conference | Meditation on Luke 11:29-36

Meditation on Luke 11:29-36 Download Audio

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Conferencia Familiar 2015 | Meditación sobre el Salmo 5

Meditación sobre el Salmo 5 Descargar Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Meditation on Philippians 4:8-13

Meditation on Philippians 4:8-13 Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Meditation on Romans 5:1-5

Meditation on Romans 5:1-5 Download Audio

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Conferencia Familiar 2015 | Buscad primero su reino y su justicia

Buscad primero su reino y su justicia Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Familiar 2015 | Reseña biográfica de Isaac Backus II

Reseña biográfica de Isaac Backus II Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Familiar 2015 | Reseña biográfica de Isaac Backus I

Reseña biográfica de Isaac Backus I Descargar Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Anxiety IV

Anxiety IV Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Anxiety III

Anxiety III Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Anxiety II

Anxiety II Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Anxiety I

Anxiety I Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart Download Audio

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2015 Family Conference | Marital Love in the Midst of Suffering

Marital Love in the Midst of Suffering Download Audio I bring greetings to you this morning, brethren, from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Coconut Creek, in Florida where my wife and I have been living for the past four or five years in retirement. (Pastor Piñero has brought me out of [...]

By | May 24th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2015 Family Conference | Marital Love in the Midst of Suffering

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Seek First the Kingdom of God: Your Number One Priority

Seek First the Kingdom of God: Your Number One Priority Download Audio I would like to begin by stating something that perhaps is obvious. There are economic woes in the world. There’s not enough work; there’s not enough pay. There are not so many promotions and jobs anymore. There are [...]

By | May 24th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Seek First the Kingdom of God: Your Number One Priority

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Shepherding of Jesus Christ Over the Pastors

Shepherding of Jesus Christ Over the Pastors Download Audio Well, it’s a delight to be here brethren and to have the privilege to minister the Word of God. Thank you, Pastor Piñero and Pastor Martinez, for the invite. I was thinking I probably have three obstacles to overcome here: number [...]

By | May 23rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Shepherding of Jesus Christ Over the Pastors

2016 Pastors’ Conference | Marks of a Ministry that Honors God

Marks of a Ministry that Honors God Download Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | Reseña biográfica de Richard Baxter

Reseña biográfica de Richard Baxter Descargar Audio Richard Baxter (1615-1691) Notas sobre su vida y ministerioNDVater Fuentes de información para estas notas He recogido información de varios escritos. Muchos autores confiesan que mucha de su información procede de un libro autobiográfico (Reliquiae Baxterianae), pero no he tenido el tiempo de [...]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | Reseña biográfica de Richard Baxter

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day V: Lord of the Sabbath

The Lord’s Day V: Lord of the Sabbath I would turn your attention to Luke 6. If I had one verse in the Bible to build the doctrine of the Lord’s Day or the Sabbath upon it would be this text found in Luke 6:5: “And He said to them, ‘The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.’” Heavy snow had fallen the night before and there were thoughts about canceling the event, but it was far too important. It was the inaugural address of the president of the United States. And after acknowledging the presence of distinguished guests and former presidents, the new elect president, John F. Kennedy, then spoke these words to the nation: “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay the price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to ensure the survival and the success of liberty.” Towards the back end of that address the president quoted from the book of Isaiah the prophet and said, “Let the oppressed go free” (Is. 58:6). I’m sure he borrowed those words, not only from the prophet, but from Jesus Himself. Jesus gave something of an inaugural address back in chapter 4. Notice the text, Luke 4:18—and Jesus is also speaking here about freedom, but of a greater kind: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. And Jesus doesn’t simply talk about liberty or freedom, does He? Jesus actually sets men free. And Jesus will set men free from different kinds of bondage. For example, the horrible bondage of demon possession; you read about that in Luke 4. It talks about the horrible bondage of sickness and disease. He will heal that leper also; we read of that in Luke 4. There’s the horrible bondage of sin and guilt. He forgives a man in chapter 5. And then when we open up to chapter 6, Jesus, again, is setting men free, but from a different kind of bondage. It’s the horrible bondage of false religion. And where it manifested itself in a most overt or concrete way was when it came to the Sabbath Day and its practice and observance. […]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day V: Lord of the Sabbath

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day IV: Lord’s Day Observance

The Lord’s Day IV: Lord’s Day Observance If you have a copy of the Scriptures with you, please turn with me to Mark’s gospel, Mark, chapter 2. We’re continuing our series on the subject of worship. We are focusing upon the question, When do we worship? and we have argued from Genesis to Revelation that there is a distinctive worship day; and no one had more to say about keeping a Sabbath day, or how to keep a Sabbath day, than the Lord Jesus Christ. Here in Mark, chapter 2, He has a controversy with the Pharisees; and we read in verse 23 of Mark, chapter 2, Now it happened that He went through the grain fields on the Sabbath; and, as they went, His disciples began to pluck the heads of grain; and the Pharisees said to Him, “Look, why do they go do what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”But He said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he was in need and hungry (he and those with him)—how he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the High Priest; and ate the showbread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests; and also gave some to those were with him?” And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord [κύριος (kurios)] of the Sabbath.” The stock market has experienced a gigantic upheaval over the last year or so, especially in the last couple of weeks; and worship is often like the stock market in this sense–up and down; but in recent years it has been on a downward trend; and here’s some of the circumstantial evidence which I think could stand up in any court of law. Sermons are getting shorter and shorter. In many places, hymns—the good hymns of the faith—have actually disappeared. In many places, there is no longer a corporate prayer meeting. It all suggests (does it not?) that we are in trouble. What’s the answer? […]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day IV: Lord’s Day Observance

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day III: A Heart for the Lord’s Day

The Lord’s Day III: A Heart for the Lord’s Day Again turn in your Bibles to that great prophet of Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 58. I think I said last Lord’s day that we had the last message on the Lord’s day in terms of Sabbath Lord’s day (when do we worship? we worship God on a special day) but there’s one final message and that’s going to be this evening, Lord willing. Isaiah 58, verse 13. (Again when you read that word Sabbath, it has no negativity in it, it simply means rest. It’s a rest day.) Verse 13, If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable and shall honor Him not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasures nor speaking your own words and you shall delight yourself in the Lord and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken. We have been doing some mountaineering–that’s right, climbing mountains–seeking to appreciate the biblical panorama with respect to the whole subject of worship. It’s a big subject. It’s hard to find a bigger subject and a more important one in the Word of God because you and I were made to worship God. […]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day III: A Heart for the Lord’s Day

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day II: The Purpose of the Sabbath

The Lord’s Day II: The Purpose of the Sabbath Download Audio Please turn in your Bibles to Isaiah 58:13-14: If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the LORD has spoken. I grew up in Canada in several small mining towns. We lived in a province called British Columbia, in a little town about 100 miles from the Yukon border. And it was a beautiful place. It was a vast wilderness of forests, rivers, and lakes. And on more than one occasion, I believe, either me or one of my brothers got lost. It’s not a fun experience, but whatever you do, they say, “Don’t panic. Don’t just go off in any direction. If you do that you’ll end up going in circles.” No, they tell you to stay put or find some high ground. Climb a mountain. Get your bearings and see something of the lay of the land. And Christians can get lost as well, can’t we? Doctrinally, morally, even while we have a Bible in front of us. […]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day II: The Purpose of the Sabbath

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day I: The Creational Sabbath

The Lord’s Day I: The Creational Sabbath Download Audio Pastor Piñero and Pastor Martinez have asked me to bring four messages on the subject of the worship day. In the Old Testament it was called the “Sabbath.” We often call it the “Lord’s Day” from a New Testament perspective. That’s the subject I am going to address in these four meetings. Tonight we are going to look at it from the very beginning, the Creational Sabbath. So we go all the way back to Genesis chapter 2. And that’s where I would want you to turn in your Bibles please—Genesis chapter 2, beginning at verse 1: Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. A few years ago I stood at the foot of Mt. Rushmore, one of the most memorable-historical sites in the United States of America. And as you probably know, carved into that massive granite mountain are the faces of four different presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. And it took approximately fourteen years before that project was finished. Now, apparently from time to time they have to power wash and clean the faces of those four presidents. If not, a significant disfiguration can result from the smog and the pollutants in the air. And I’m sure most Americans—I’m a Canadian by the way—would agree that that’s a very important monument to preserve. But now what would you think if someone came along and began to use chisels and hammers and removed the distinctive facial features of those four presidents? They decided to reshape their noses, their eyes and their chins, and so much so that you really couldn’t tell the difference between George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, or Jefferson (he looked very much like Roosevelt when they were finished). I’m sure that would bother you. I’m sure the American public would be in an uproar. People would be incensed. It would be viewed as vandalism. And in all likelihood those responsible for that would be put behind bars. Nobody has a right to deface or to radically change the distinctive features of your former presidents. How dare they? How could they? Well something very similar is happening today in churches across the land. The face of worship is changing. We are losing the distinctive elements of worship. […]

By | May 20th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Lord’s Day I: The Creational Sabbath

Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | La buena batalla

La buena batalla Descargar Audio

By | May 19th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | La buena batalla

Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | Los dones del Cristo exaltado

Los dones del Cristo exaltado Descargar Audio Efesios 4:11-16 Hermano en Cristo, imagínate por un momento que de repente se desatara una persecución agresiva en la que a los cristianos se les empezara a restringir muchas de sus actividades en lo que respecta a la iglesia y lo que hacen [...]

By | May 17th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | Los dones del Cristo exaltado

Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | El poder reformador

El poder reformador Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | Un gran reformador

Un gran reformador Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2016 | La verdadera reforma

La verdadera reforma Descargar Audio

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2016 Pastors’ Conference | Bad News/Good News

Bad News/Good News Download Audio It’s always a great joy for me to be among you. We regard you as a very beloved sister in Christ and rejoice in all that God has done to make you an assembly of His people, and to continue to enlarge the sphere [...]

By | May 11th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2016 Pastors’ Conference | Bad News/Good News

2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Inspiration of Worship

A Call to Pure Worship: The Inspiration of Worship In theology, we usually use the word “inspiration” to mean that process by which God produced the Scriptures, his very words, through men. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim 3.16). Now I would use it with reference to the [...]

By | February 29th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Inspiration of Worship

2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship I

A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship I Download Audio Let’s resume this short series of messages on “A Call to Pure Worship.” In our first message, “The Corruption of Worship,” we considered the absolutely greatest evil of all time, namely, that while God desires pure worship, man [...]

By | February 26th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship I

2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship II

A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship II Download Audio In this series entitled, “A Call to Pure Worship,” the first message proclaimed that God desires pure worship. We proved this straight from Scripture in our simple exposition of John 4, with its testimony that God the Father [...]

By | February 26th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | A Call to Pure Worship: The Standard of Worship II

2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Centrality of Preaching in Worship

La predicación ocupa un lugar central en la adoración Download Audio La predicación ocupa un lugar central en la adoración Nuestro estudio se basa en el texto de 2 Timoteo 4:1-4: «Te encargo solemnemente, en la presencia de Dios y de Cristo Jesús, que ha de juzgar a los [...]

By | February 26th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | The Centrality of Preaching in Worship

2011 Pastors’ Confererence | A Call to Pure Worship: God Desires Pure Worship

A Call to Pure Worship: God Desires Pure Worship Download Audio No topic is more important than pure worship, since God’s glory is the ultimate end of our being, and nothing therefore could eclipse this in our ministry before God. He calls us by his Word to serve him [...]

By | February 23rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Confererence | A Call to Pure Worship: God Desires Pure Worship

2011 Pastors’ Conference | How Should We Worship God?

Como debemos adorar a Dios Download Audio Como debemos adorar a Dios Basaremos esta reflexión en el capítulo 12 del libro de los Hebreos, versículos 28 y 29. El Apóstol escribe: «Por lo cual, puesto que recibimos un reino que es inconmovible, demostremos gratitud, mediante la cual ofrezcamos a Dios [...]

By | February 23rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2011 Pastors’ Conference | How Should We Worship God?

2012 Pastors’ Conference | Pop Gospel, False Gospel IV

Pop Gospel, False Gospel IV Download Audio

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2012 Pastors’ Conference | Pop Gospel, False Gospel III

Pop Gospel, False Gospel III Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Pop Gospel, False Gospel II

Pop Gospel, False Gospel II Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Pop Gospel, False Gospel I

Pop Gospel, False Gospel I Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Paul’s Example: Unselfishness

El ejemplo de generosidad de Pablo Download Audio El ejemplo de generosidad de Pablo Sirviendo al Señor […] y con pruebas que vinieron sobre mí por causa de las intrigas de los judíos (Hch. 20:19) Al dirigirse Pablo a los ancianos efesios, y describir el ejemplo de su propio ministerio, [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Paul’s Example: Unselfishness

Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Paul’s Example: Compassion

El ejemplo de compasión de Pablo Download Audio El ejemplo de compasión de Pablo Sirviendo al Señor […] con lágrimas (Hch. 20:19) Hemos visto que, al describir el ejemplo de su propio ministerio. Pablo dirige la atención de los ancianos efesios a lo que conocen por experiencia y de primera [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2012 | Paul’s Example: Compassion

2012 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Example: Humility

El ejemplo de humildad de Pablo Download Audio El ejemplo de humildad de Pablo Sirviendo al Señor con toda humildad (Hch. 20:19). Al describir su forma de conducta entre los efesios, Pablo menciona primero su humildad, su compasión y su abnegación. «Sirviendo al Señor con toda humildad, y con [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2012 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Example: Humility

2012 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Example: Faithfulness in the Ministry

La fidelidad en el ministerio pastoral Download Audio La fidelidad en el ministerio pastoral Vosotros bien sabéis cómo he sido con vosotros todo el tiempo, desde el primer día que estuve en Asia (Hch. 20:18). Pablo ha estado fuera, en su tercer viaje misionero, fortaleciendo a las iglesias de [...]

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2012 Pastors’ Conference | A Prayer for Power

A Prayer for Power Download Audio

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2012 Pastors’ Conference | A Prayer to Experience Christ’s Love

A Prayer to Experience Christ’s Love Download Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Jonathan Edwards II

Jonathan Edwards II Descargar Audio En nuestro primer estudio consideramos unos datos biográficos de la vida de Jonathan Edwards y, a continuación, nos centramos en cómo Dios le llamó de un modo en que su vida fue dominada por una visión espiritual de la majestad, la gloria, el esplendor y [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Jonathan Edwards II

Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Jonathan Edwards I

Jonathan Edwards I Descargar Audio ¿Quién era Jonathan Edwards? Jonathan era un hijo de Adán por naturaleza; biznieto de un hombre inglés (William Edwards) y llevado a los Estados Unidos por su madre y su padrastro británico que, junto con otros santos, buscaban poder adorar a Dios conforme a Su [...]

By | February 12th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Jonathan Edwards I

Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Pastoreo amoroso del rebaño III: La manifestación del amor

La manifestación del amor Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Pastoreo amoroso del rebaño II: La importancia del amor

La importancia del amor Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2012 | Pastoreo amoroso del rebaño I: El significado del amor

El significado del amor

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | A Survey of Apostasy IV

A Survey of Apostasy IV Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | A Survey of Apostasy III

A Survey of Apostasy III Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | A Survey of Apostasy II

A Survey of Apostasy II Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | A Survey of Apostasy I

A Survey of Apostasy I Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Courageous Manner of Paul’s Preaching and Its Fruit in His Own Conscience

The Courageous Manner of Paul’s Preaching and Its Fruit in His Own Conscience Download Audio I shrank not from declaring unto you anything that was profitable. . . . I go bound in the spirit . . . I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself . . . I testify unto you this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I shrank not from declaring unto you the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:20, 22, 24, 26-27). In previous chapters, we have been considering Paul’s example as an able and faithful preacher of the Word of God. Thus far we have looked at the scope of his preaching and its focus and recurring themes. In this chapter, we will consider the courageous manner of his preaching and its fruit in his own conscience. […]

By | February 10th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Courageous Manner of Paul’s Preaching and Its Fruit in His Own Conscience

Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching II

The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching II Download Audio To testify the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24). In the last chapter we began to consider the foci and recurring themes of Paul’s preaching. We examined Acts 20:21, where Paul speaks of his “testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” And we saw that in this statement, he identifies a primary focus and recurring emphasis in his preaching, i.e., the themes of repentance and faith. In this chapter, we continue this study by examining the words in verse 24 that he uses to summarize and characterize the ministry that he received from the Lord Jesus: “to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” […]

By | February 10th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching II

Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching I

The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching I Download Audio Testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (20:21). In this segment of our study, we are considering Paul’s example as an able and faithful preacher of the Scriptures. In the last chapter we looked at Paul’s claim concerning the scope of his preaching, as described in the words: “I shrank not from declaring unto you anything that was profitable” (20:20), “I shrank not from declaring unto you the whole counsel of God” (20:27). In this chapter, we come to . . . […]

By | February 10th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Focus and Recurring Themes of Paul’s Preaching I

Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Scope of Paul’s Preaching

The Scope of Paul’s Preaching Download Audio I shrank not from declaring unto you anything that was profitable . . .I shrank not from declaring unto you the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:20, 27). In previous studies, we have seen that Paul appeals to the Ephesians’ knowledge of his consistent humility, compassion, and unselfishness. In this chapter, we begin to take up the next mark of a true pastor, which is that he is an able and faithful preacher of God’s Word. Paul says to the Ephesian elders, […]

By | February 10th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Scope of Paul’s Preaching

Pastors’ Conference 2013 | Persecution II

Persecution II Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | Persecution I

Persecution I Download Audio

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Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Church as the Army of God

La Iglesia como “El ejército de Dios” Download Audio La Iglesia como “El ejército de Dios” Hoy nos centraremos en otra imagen: la imagen del ejército de Dios. Por favor, busquen en sus Biblias Mateo 16, empezaré la lectura en el versículo 13: Cuando llegó Jesús a la región de [...]

By | February 10th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2013 | The Church as the Army of God

2013 Pastors’ Conference | The Church as the Flock of God

La Iglesia como el rebaño de Dios Download Audio La Iglesia como el rebaño de Dios Siempre es una delicia estar aquí. Intentaba recordar cuánto tiempo he estado viniendo a verlos. Empezamos con aquella conferencia de familia hace, ¿cuánto? ¿Unos quince años ya? Recuerdo al pastor Barker llevándonos a todos [...]

By | February 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2013 Pastors’ Conference | The Church as the Flock of God

2013 Pastors’ Conference | The Church as the Body of Christ

The Church as the Body of Christ Download Audio La iglesia como el cuerpo de Cristo Hermanos, busquemos en nuestras Biblias 1 Corintios capítulo 12; voy a leer un versículo y después volveremos al texto, y trataremos algunos de los demás versos. “Porque así como el cuerpo es uno, y [...]

By | February 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2013 Pastors’ Conference | The Church as the Body of Christ

2013 Pastors’ Conference | The Church as the Bride of Christ

La Iglesia como la esposa de Cristo Download Audio La Iglesia como la esposa de Cristo En Efesios 5:22 leemos: “Las mujeres estén sometidas a sus propios maridos como al Señor. Porque el marido es cabeza de la mujer, así como Cristo es cabeza de la iglesia, siendo Él mismo [...]

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Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | John Gill II

John Gill II Descargar Audio

By | February 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | John Gill II

Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | John Gill I

John Gill I Descargar Audio John Gill era un pastor bautista que también escribía lo que estudiaba y lo presentaba tanto a su congregación como a otros grupos, para posteriormente publicarlo. Hasta el día de hoy (abril 2013), después de más de doscientos cincuenta años, mucho de lo que [...]

By | February 9th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | John Gill I

Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | La identidad del consejero IV

La identidad del consejero IV Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | El lugar y ambiente de la consejería pastoral III

El lugar y ambiente de la consejería pastoral III Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | La necesidad de la consejería pastoral II

La necesidad de la consejería pastoral II Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | La naturaleza de la consejería pastoral I

La naturaleza de la consejería pastoral I Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2013 | La batalla del amor

La batalla del amor Descargar Audio

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2014 Pastors’ Conference | Biblical Reflection on Social Media II

Biblical Reflection on Social Media II Download Audio

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2014 Pastors’ Conference | Biblical Reflection on Social Media I

Biblical Reflection on Social Media I Download Audio

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2014 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Farewell III

Paul’s Farewell III Download Audio

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2014 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Farewell II

Paul’s Farewell II Download Audio

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2014 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Farewell I

Paul's Farewell I Download Audio

By | February 8th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2014 Pastors’ Conference | Paul’s Farewell I

2014 Pastors’ Conference | Challenges We Face in Our Culture II

Challenges We Face in Our Culture II Download Audio We’re going to continue in our examination of culture and what we believe to be our biblical responsibility, as shepherds, to make analysis of the cultural landscape, the social climate, and the societal climate in which our people live and work. So, with that topic once again before us, in this hour, let’s bow and ask the Lord to give us instruction. […]

By | February 8th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2014 Pastors’ Conference | Challenges We Face in Our Culture II

2014 Pastors’ Conference | Challenges We Face in Our Culture I

Challenges We Face in Our Culture I Download Audio We’re going to look, first of all, at the biblical justification for considering our culture. Is this what the Bible requires of us, as pastors? Are we responsible to analyze the culture roundabout us? One brother has said, “It’s more important that we know our people than we know our culture,” and there’s some truth to that, but we need to know that our people live in the midst of a culture and how that culture affects them and how it affects us, as well. So, we’re going to look at how culture is constructed, what are some of the foundational issues that are common to cultures, how they are structured in certain ways that are common to all cultures, and how those issues relate, especially to the kingdom of God. We’re going to look at the culture and the issue of the two kingdoms: the kingdom of man, and the kingdom of God. God willing, next time we’ll consider these things further, and looking, specifically, at one recent development in Western culture that poses a particular threat to the Gospel and to the work of the church in our generation. So, with that menu in front of us, let’s come together and ask for the Lord’s help as we would pray as we begin. […]

By | February 8th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2014 Pastors’ Conference | Challenges We Face in Our Culture I

Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller Descargar Audio Andrew Fuller Las siguientes notas fueron tomadas de las memorias de Andrew Fuller, impresas (en inglés) con la colección de sus obras en el año 1831, 16 años después de su muerte. Fueron escritas por su hijo Andrew Gunton Fuller. Además, parte de lo que expongo [...]

By | February 3rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | Andrew Fuller

Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La integración de la psicología y el cristianismo

La integración de la psicología y el cristianismo Descargar Audio

By | February 3rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La integración de la psicología y el cristianismo

Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La consejería pastoral y el hombre como criatura regenerada I

La consejería pastoral y el hombre como criatura regenerada I Descargar Audio

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Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La consejería pastoral y el hombre como criatura caída II

La consejería pastoral y el hombre como criatura caída II Descargar Audio

By | February 3rd, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La consejería pastoral y el hombre como criatura caída II

Conferencia Pastoral 2014 | La Providencia

La Providencia Descargar Audio

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2015 Pastors’ Conference | Standing Firm (2)

Permaneced firmes en la verdad II Download Audio Permaneced firmes en la verdad: la cristología aplicada en un mundo que está a la deriva Parte 2 de 2 Muchas gracias por su cordial bienvenida. Alabado sea Dios por el tiempo que hemos compartido juntos en esta conferencia. Hoy hablaré sobre [...]

By | February 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2015 Pastors’ Conference | Standing Firm (2)

2015 Pastors’ Conference | Standing Firm (1)

Permaneced firmes en la verdad I Download Audio Permaneced firmes en la verdad: la cristología aplicada en un mundo que está a la deriva Parte 1 de 2 Reciban un cordial saludo de Calvary Baptist Church en Exeter, New Hampshire. Quiero dar las gracias a los anfitriones, en especial al pastor [...]

By | February 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2015 Pastors’ Conference | Standing Firm (1)

2015 Pastors’ Conference | Pursuing Personal Holiness—a Primary Ministerial Passion

En pos de la santidad personal –una pasión ministerial primordial Download Audio En pos de la santidad personal –una pasión ministerial primordial Albert N. Martin Busquemos el rostro de Dios en oración para implorar su bendición sobre el ministerio de su Palabra. Padre, Tú nos has mandado a venir delante [...]

By | February 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on 2015 Pastors’ Conference | Pursuing Personal Holiness—a Primary Ministerial Passion

Pastors’ Conference 2015 | Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (2)

Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (2) Download Audio Las palabras de despedida de Pablo para los ancianos en Éfeso II Hechos 20:33-35 En esta hora, consideraremos el ejemplo de Pablo de una labor ministerial desinteresada. La palabra «desinteresada» significa estar libre de motivos egoístas, interés personal o ambición. 1. [...]

By | February 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2015 | Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (2)

Pastors’ Conference 2015 | Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (1)

Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (1) Download Audio Las palabras de despedida de Pablo para los ancianos en Éfeso I Hechos 20:32-35 Dr. Robert Martin La última labor de Pablo como su pastor (20:32) Pablo ha exhortado a estos hombres a cumplir su deber, instándolos a imitar su propio [...]

By | February 1st, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Pastors’ Conference 2015 | Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (1)