Conferencia Especial 2016 | Confianza en Dios

Confianza en Dios Descargar Audio

By | September 15th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Especial 2016 | Confianza en Dios

Conferencia Especial 2016 | La profecía del nacimiento virginal del Mesías

La profecía del nacimiento virginal del Mesías Descargar Audio

By | September 15th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Especial 2016 | La profecía del nacimiento virginal del Mesías

Conferencia Especial 2016 | Stephen Charnock: su vida y carácter

Stephen Charnock: su vida y carácter Descargar Audio Doy gracias a Dios por conocer esta congregación y al Pastor Piñero. Cuando él estaba recién casado, fue enviado por la iglesia de Trinity para pasar un par de meses en Puerto Rico. Todavía me acuerdo muy bien de sus exposiciones sobre [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Conferencia Especial 2016 | Stephen Charnock: su vida y carácter

Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 3: God Is Love, and Why It Matters

God Matters: Theology Applied in Three Parts Part 3: God Is Love, and Why It Matters Download Audio “God is love.” Scripture declares it in 1 John 4.8, 16. Grasping and appreciating it matters for your life here and hereafter. In my three decades of preaching, I cannot recall ever [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 3: God Is Love, and Why It Matters

Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 2: God Is Light, and Why It Matters

God Matters: Theology Applied in Three Parts Part 2: God Is Light, and Why It Matters Download Audio We have begun a series of messages entitled, “God Matters: Theology Proper Applied in Three Parts.” “Theology Proper” is the study of God Himself, as opposed to His works. I am pastorally [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 2: God Is Light, and Why It Matters

Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 1: God Is, and Why It Matters

God Matters: Theology Applied in Three Parts Part 1: God Is, and Why It Matters Download Audio God matters. That is the mega-point I would drive home in three messages to you. “God Matters” is the title for my series. This theme is inexhaustible—even its first word, “God.” Whatever great [...]

By | September 14th, 2016|Sermones|Comments Off on Special Conference 2016 | God Matters: Part 1: God Is, and Why It Matters

Biografía: Stephen Charnock: su vida y carácter

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Mediante esa lectura, del libro de Charnock, hubo un crecimiento en toda área importante de mi vida, porque fui llevado a contemplar a Dios como la Biblia le presenta ciertamente, pero de una manera amplia, y profunda y práctica como nunca antes lo había hecho, y pude verme a mí mismo delante de Dios, tal y como soy, con mis necesidades y debilidades.

By | September 13th, 2016|Biographies|Comments Off on Biografía: Stephen Charnock: su vida y carácter

Pastor Pinero


By | September 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pastor Pinero